Lilach Mazor Power is co-founder and managing director of the Giving Tree Wellness Center, an Arizona licensed medical cannabis dispensary.
The Giving Tree has two retail locations and 15,000 square feet of cultivation and extraction.
The former Israeli soldier earned her bachelor’s degree in business and marketing from the New England College branch in Tel Aviv before coming to the U.S. and opening the Giving Tree in Phoenix in May 2013, followed by Mesa three months later.
Lilach has been in the medical cannabis industry since it made its way to Arizona in 2010. Lilach travels to Israel several times a year to collaborate with some of the world’s top cannabis researchers in order to stay at the forefront of cannabis research and produce the highest quality medicine for her patients.
You can find the mother of two on the front cover of the January issue of Marijuana Venture, an award-winning B2B cannabis business publication, where she’s featured as a driving force in the medical cannabis movement.

Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Giving Tree Wellness Center