How to Be an Ethical Consumer of Cannabis

For many consumers in US states where cannabis is legal, consumption of the plant sits squarely in the realm of luxury. In Los Angeles, for example, there are dispensaries where store associates [...]

Can Cannabis Replace Painkillers?

Amid opioid crisis, researchers aim to put medical marijuana to the test A cannabis initiative team at UCLA plans to conduct a high-quality clinical study of the painkilling properties of pot — [...]

Medical Marijuana and Glaucoma

Many patients inquire about the use of marijuana for their uncontrolled glaucoma, especially in the setting of increased legalization in many states. In this article, Dr. Graul discusses various [...]

Medical Cannabis for Brain Cancer

One of Australia’s top neurosurgeons is at the forefront of a world-first trial testing whether medical cannabis could be used to treat aggressive brain cancer. Professor Charlie Teo and [...]