Medical Marijuana for Intractable Seizures

If you or a loved one is struggling with Intractable Seizures, you should know that medical marijuana may be available for treating symptoms of this condition. Schedule an appointment with us at 888-316-9085 to start your evaluation process!

    See If You Qualify

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    Intractable Seizures are a disabling condition characterized by epileptic seizures that cannot be controlled by medication.

    The episodes are frequent, severe, and impair the overall quality of life. According to experts, nearly 1/3 of the patients with epilepsy will develop intractable epilepsy, also called drug-resistant epilepsy or refractory epilepsy.

    The diagnosis is tricky and can be difficult. Most doctors evaluate the patient’s medical history and ask detailed questions about the onset of seizures, duration, and symptoms to get a better idea of the condition. Neurological exams and tests like a CT scan, high-resolution MRI, and an electroencephalogram (EEG) are conducted to examine the electrical activity of the brain to identify the type of seizures.

    The exact cause of intractable epilepsy is ambiguous. However, experts theorize that genetics, brain damage, injury, certain illnesses, developmental disorders, or structural changes may be the main causes of intractable seizures.

    Common Symptoms of Intractable Seizures

    Patients with refractory epilepsy may have primary or partial seizures. The former involves both sides of the brain while the latter starts on a small part of the brain and then spreads out. Some of the common symptoms associated with intractable seizures include the following:

    • Anxiety
    • Confusion
    • Convulsions, or jerking of movements
    • Falling
    • Loss of bowel or bladder control
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Muscle rigidness
    • Tremors or twitching
    • Tongue biting
    • Staring into space
    • Weakness

    Qualifying Conditions of Intractable Seizures

    Upon experiencing a seizure with any of the above symptoms, it’s imperative to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions and undertake the necessary tests for an accurate diagnosis. If uncontrolled convulsions persist despite taking anti-seizure medication, the condition qualifies for cannabis-derived therapy. See below for the most common qualifying conditions:

    • Atypical febrile seizures
    • Benign rolandic epilepsy
    • Complex febrile convulsions
    • Complex febrile seizures
    • Complicated febrile seizures
    • Focal motor seizures
    • Generalized seizures
    • Rolandic seizures
    • Paroxysmal attacks
    • Status epilepticus

    Notable Statistics

    • Epilepsy is the 4th most common neurological problem in the world
    • Refractory epilepsy affects 30% of patients with epilepsy worldwide
    • Data from the CDC reveals that around three million adults and about half a million children are suffering from epilepsy in the United States
    • 1/26 people are likely to develop this disorder at some point in their life
    • The occurrence of epilepsy is higher in young children and older adults

    Medical Marijuana Treatment for Intractable Seizures

    Thanks to the advancement of research and the overwhelming support across the United States, medical marijuana has become a viable alternative treatment option for epileptic management in drug-resistant patients.

    Research indicates the CBD-enriched cannabis oils show promise in reducing seizures that cannot be controlled with standard anti-convulsant drugs. But can medical marijuana help treat intractable seizures? Has its effectiveness been proven?

    Below you will find an overview of the disease, common symptoms, and how cannabis can help treat those who are suffering from intractable seizures.

    Medical marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound of cannabis, have been found to be effective for treating this complex disease. Medical marijuana is effective in reducing the frequency of seizures enabling a gradual decrease in the dosages of antiepileptic drugs. In some cases, patients experienced complete seizure remission. Though research supporting cannabis as an alternative treatment option for intractable epilepsy is still relatively new, multiple anecdotal testimonies corroborate its effectiveness in controlling seizures.

    Below are a few outcomes from medical marijuana treatment:

    • The treatment was effective and well-tolerated by patients
    • A drop in the frequency, duration, and intensity of primary and intractable partial seizures
    • Mild side-effects, the most common being nausea, fatigue, and fever
    • Boost in the overall quality of life
    • Enhancement in mood
    • Increase in cognitive structure
    • Improvement in sleep, stress, anxiety, and aggression
    • Cut in the dosage of antiepileptic medication
    • Strains with high levels of CBD are the best treatment options for neuropathy and epilepsy

    While cannabis represents a sense of hope for patients with an extreme form of epilepsy, there is a need for larger scientific studies to substantiate its ability to treat the neurologic disorder and its related comorbidities.

    How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card for Intractable Seizures

    Due to the seriousness of the disease, many states have legalized the use of medical marijuana for Intractable Seizures. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get your medical marijuana card:

    1. Register over the phone or online
    2. Talk to a medical marijuana doctor
    3. Get your medical marijuana card

    Compassionate Certification Centers is here to provide you with the support, care, and guidance you need to get certified for a medical marijuana card. Schedule an appointment with us at 888-316-9085 to start your evaluation process!

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