In recent years there has been a vast amount of research released that exemplifies the Medical Diversity of Cannabis, and 2016 – despite being far from over – has been no different.
Below is a list featuring 10 of the top studies demonstrating this diversity released this year.
THC Stimulates Toxic Plaque Removal in the Brain, Blocks Inflammation, Finds Study
A study published last month in Nature Partner Journals found that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) stimulates toxic plaque removal in the brain, and also blocks inflammation (which can damage neurons).
Study: Heart Attack Patients with History of Cannabis Use Less Likely to Die During Hospitalization
Those with a history of cannabis use who suffer from a heart attack are less likely to die during hospitalization, according to a study presented in April at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology.
Study: Cannabis Use Can Help Treat Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Inhaling cannabis can help treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder without any negative cognitive impact, according to a study published in the journal PLoS ONE.
Study: Cannabinoids May Prevent Cartilage Breakdown in those with Osteoarthritis
A study published in the April issue of the journal Molecular Medicine Reports, and published online by the U.S. National Institute of Health, found that cannabinoids may prevent cartilage breakdown in those with osteoarthritis.
Study: Recent Cannabis Use Linked to Better Outcomes for Brain Injury Patients
The recent use of cannabis is associated with improved outcomes in patients hospitalized with intracerebral hemorrhaging (ICH aka bleeding in the brain), according to data published online ahead of print in the journal Cerebrovascular Diseases.
Alcohol Use Increases Aggression, Cannabis Use Decreases It, Finds Study
A study published in the most recent issue of the journal Psychopharmacology has found that alcohol significantly increases aggression while cannabis significantly decreases it. The study was a random controlled trial, typically refereed to as the “gold standard” for research studies.
Study: Legalizing Medical Cannabis Decreases Workplace Absences
According to a study published in the journal Health Economics, the legalization of medical cannabis is associated with a decrease in the total number of workplace absences that are caused by sickness.
Study: CBD Oil ‘Highly Promising’ as Treatment for Pediatric Epilepsy
The administration of cannabis oil extracts high in cannabidiol reduces seizure frequency in children with intractable epilepsy, according to clinical data published by the journal Seizure.
Study: Cannabis Use Not Predictive Of Lower IQ, Poorer Educational Performance
Adolescent cannabis use is not associated with lower IQ or poorer educational performance – even once adjustments are made for potential confounders such as cigarette smoking -a ccording to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.
Study: Cannabinoids Can Inhibit Growth of Carcinoma Cancer Cells, Program them to Die
A study published in May by the U.S. National Institute of Health found that cannabinoids can inhibit the growth of carcinoma cancer cells, and can essentially program currently active cancer cells to die.
Source: The Weed Blog